Block: 70

Timestamp: 12:55:28


Security blog

Auction + no min bid value = DDoS

Here is a great example of how the attacker can perform a DoS attack on the bidding function, preventing other users from bidding and ultimately getting the NFT at a low price. Have a look at the code:

function placeBid(address _nftAddress, uint256 _tokenId, Auction memory _auction, uint256 _bid)
        returns (Auction memory)
        _placeBidChecks(_nftAddress, _tokenId, _auction, _bid);
        uint256 currentHighestBid = _auction.highestBid;
        // MIN_INCREMENT_BPS = 10000, _BPS = 500 , add 5%
        if (_bid == 0 || (currentHighestBid.mulDivDown(_BPS + MIN_INCREMENT_BPS, _BPS) >= _bid)) {
            revert MinBidError(_bid);
        uint256 currentTime = block.timestamp;
        uint96 expiration = _auction.startTime + _auction.duration;
@>      uint96 withMargin = _auction.lastBidTime + _MIN_NO_ACTION_MARGIN;
        uint96 max = withMargin > expiration ? withMargin : expiration;
        if (max < currentTime && currentHighestBid > 0) {
            revert AuctionOverError(max);

The placeBid function requires each bid to increase by 5% from the original, locking in for a period of time after each bid.

The problem here is that if the initial price increases from a very small value, the second increase in percentage only needs to be a very small amount. For example: 100 wei -> 105 wei -> 110 wei.

So an attacker can start with a small bid and keep growing slowly. Because of the time lock, other users cannot participate for a period of time. Normal users must wait until the time lock is over and the transaction needs to be executed before the attacker.

If normal users are unable to participate in the bidding, the attacker can obtain the auction item (NFT) at a very low price.

As a good fix, you can add a MIN_BID value to the check to make it less interesting to the attacker.

Read the full report here:






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