Dev tools
#2 Bulloak
A Solidity test generator based on the Branching Tree Technique
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#11 weAudit
With weAudit, you can bookmark regions of code to highlight issues, add notes, mark files as reviewed, and collaborate with your fellow auditors. Enhance your reporting workflow by writing the findings directly in VSCode, creating prefilled Github issues, and copying links.
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#15 ContractReader
ContractReader turns the smart contract into a live, 3D document allowing anyone to read your code, interact with the contract right next to the code that's executed, see live on-chain values from the contract, and have GPT-4 give a security review to any contract at the click of a button.
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#16 Sol2uml
An extension of Richard Ramos' work on the visualization of solidity contracts, with support for storage diagrams and UML generation from a CLI.
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#17 CodeDiagram
Code Diagram is a diagramming tool that lives inside your VSCode. It helps you to visualize your codebase, understand the architecture, and refactor faster.
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#18 Betterscan
Betterscan is a security tool designed to parse, analyze, and display data from any EVM-based smart contracts. It provides a visual representation of the contract's source code and its dependencies.
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#19 Swiss Knife
All the essential unit converters on one-page. Convert between: nEther, wei & gwei, Hexadecimal, decimal & binary, String or hex to keccack256 hash & 4 bytes selector, etc
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#20 Growthepie
At growthepie, our mission is to provide comprehensive and accurate analytics of layer 2 solutions for the Ethereum ecosystem, acting as a trusted data aggregator from reliable sources such as L2Beat and DefiLlama, while also developing our own metrics.
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